Contact us

We would love to hear from you about your experiences on the path

There are several ways that you can contact us about path. We welcome general enquiries and feedback on how we can do better. You can also report any specific problems or concerns about the path.

If you are organising an event on or very close to the path, you can suggest it and it will be featured on our online events calendar (subject to approval).

We welcome all feedback to help improve your experience on the path.

Before you get in touch with us

Please tell us in your correspondence (where applicable) whether you give consent to us passing on your enquiry to the relevant people. The content and any contact details will be forwarded to the relevant people to help answer your query. If you’d prefer not give consent, rest assured it does not affect us helping you with your query

General Enquiries

You can email us on for general enquiries (clicking on our email address will open up a new email in your default email application). You can call the Natural Resources Wales Customer Care Centre team on 0300 065 3000 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. 

Report a Path Issue

You can report an issue with the path itself on our Report a Path Issue form. You can send us details of the path issue, send images and give us grid references that will all help us pinpoint the exact location.

Suggest an Event

You can use the Suggest an Event form to suggest an event on or near the Wales Coast Path to promote it on our website. (subject to approval)

Website Feedback

You can use the Give us your website feedback form to let us know what you think about our website. 



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